Category Archives: Blog

By Rebecca J. Rosen We are now in, roughly, week 11 of what has become a more or less steady stream of revelations about the NSA’s efforts to collect and analyze huge amounts of the data people create every day online. Given what is now known, are the disclosures of…

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By Sydney Brownstone While public opinion about the NSA is still wavering, one thing is clear: People are suddenly spending a lot more time with the privacy settings in their browsers. In the days after one of the most damning intelligence leaks since the birth of the Internet, polls were…

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By Cory Doctorow An Annalect study of the public’s attitudes towards surveillance found that Internet users are becoming more concerned about privacy in the wake of Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks. They conclude that this will impact on online advertising, as more and more users adjust their browser settings to block…

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Having found itself at the forefront of the technological revolution, the marketing industry has proven itself ready, willing and able to adapt to an increasingly diverse and sophisticated consumer base with cutting-edge tools and platforms; but when it comes to pushing the envelope on new ideas, there is new evidence…

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By Wendy Davis People are more concerned about online privacy now than before the recent revelations about National Security Agency’s extensive surveillance efforts, according to a new study by Omnicom’s data marketing unit Annalect. Last month, 57% of Web users surveyed by Annalect said they were “concerned” or “very concerned”…

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By Katy Bachman Now that consumers know that NSA spooks are reviewing their every click, online privacy has become a much bigger concern. After seven weeks of steady media coverage, the percentage of Internet users worried about their online privacy jumped 19 percent, from 48 percent in June (when the…

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