Category Archives: Consumer Privacy

Q2 through July 2013 In 2013, Annalect launched a longitudinal study to track the pulse of consumer awareness, understanding, sentiment, and response to online privacy. Q1 results shed light into the need for consumer control and education to help consumers feel more secure about their online privacy, and the unexpected…

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The Importance of Identifying the Best Data Governance Program for your Industry The implementation of governance programs to safeguard your data presents different challenges for different industries. Each industry faces varying levels of risk in the event that their efforts fail. The Ad Age article that was released last week,…

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The Industry Transition to a PbD Sales Approach Due to the melding of big data and marketing, regulators will expect marketers to incorporate Privacy by Design (“PbD”) into their products and operations; most notably in the design and operations of digital marketing experiences across devices (or device itself, such as…

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If we handed you a puzzle piece, could you answer the following questions: How big is the puzzle – is it a 10 piece, 100 piece, 1,000 piece puzzle? What does the puzzle look like – is that blue the sky or the sea? Does this piece accurately represent the…

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The news of Google’s intent to install a DNT button on the Chrome web browser, as well as the White House’s recommendation of a “Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights” are certainly provocative and significant.  However, it is important to recognize that they are part of ongoing dialogue that hit center…

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Research objectives and methodology In order to understand Internet users’ comprehension of, as well as attitudes and behaviors toward consumer online privacy, Annalect Research and Platform Logistics conducted a national online survey during the week of February 27, 2012. The survey sample consists of 758 adults, age 18+ who use…

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