Lee Jenkins, Client Partner, Annalect

Close-Up: Lee Jenkins, Client Partner

Inspired by Pride Month — this spotlight series celebrates the diversity which drives our success, fosters strong values, and uplifts every individual to become the collective heart of Annalect culture. Join us in recognizing the talent, inspiration, and valuable insights contributing to our vibrant and inclusive community.

Tell us about your current role at Annalect.

I’m client partner, focused on a large car manufacturer. I take care of scoping, delivering and setting the strategy for scalable data, tech and analytics projects across multiple brands and markets. I’m also heavily involved in our DEI&B team, ensuring everyone feels seen, heard, and supported at Annalect.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

I’m involved in several community groups, supporting fundraising initiatives. I love to travel and learn about new cultures. I’m also a multiple-cat dad, which takes up much of my time!

What is your proudest professional achievement?

I’ve found that my proudest achievements have changed over time — rather than promotions or landing a particular project, now it’s about how my role impacts and benefits others that I’m working with. Developing high-functioning teams and seeing them flourish/grow in their careers is my most important achievement in my career.

In celebrating Pride Month, who or what is your biggest inspiration?

Seeing how the younger generation own who they are and how they identify is incredibly inspiring.  It’s been a real educational experience and a beautiful thing to watch.

What message do you have for other LGBTQ+ colleagues, who may be early in their career and looking to grow into leadership positions in their schools, workplaces and communities?

Own who you are, and if being your true self is a problem where you work, change workplaces!  You should never have to hide who you are. The company that fits you should embrace everything about you.